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Do Rottweilers Drool: Yes and No and Here Is Why

Do Rottweilers Drool

Some dog breeds don’t drool at all. Some dog breeds drool a lot. Most Rottweiler dogs fall somewhere in between.

And then again, some Rottweiler dogs drool noticeably and daily.

There are several reasons why all Rottweilers drool to some extent, and some Rottweilers will drool more than others. And sudden drooling when you have seen little or none before is always caused to contact your veterinarian.

In this article, we take an in-depth look at why Rottweilers drool, why some drool excessively, and what to know about Rottweiler drooling and health.

Do Rottweilers Drool

Rottweilers do drool, and some (but not all) will drool a lot. The main reason for this is the Rottweiler’s head and jaw shape.

Rottweilers have jowly jaws, and some have lips that make drooling more prominent and messy. But Rottweiler drooling can also be health-related and should not be ignored.

Watch a Rottweiler Drooling

If you need to see Rottweiler drooling to believe it, this YouTube video can help you out.

While it is true not all Rottweilers drool excessively, this young adult Rottie gets the drool dripping in short order the moment the treats come out!

Why Do Rottweilers Drool

The Rottweiler is an extremely popular pet dog in the United States today. The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists these dogs as the eighth most popular breed out of nearly 200.

So if Rottweiler drooling bothers Rottweiler owners, the statistics don’t reflect this.

But it is also important to note that not all Rottweilers drool in equal amounts. And not all Rottweilers will drool a lot throughout their lives.

Many factors contribute to how much drool a Rottweiler produces and how much of that drool you see or encounter.

As mentioned in an earlier section, the number one contributor to Rottweiler drooling is face and mouth shape. And some Rottweiler dogs have more facial features that contribute to excessive drooling than others.

So let’s take a closer look at why Rottweiler’s facial anatomy tends to make drooling more noticeable in these dogs.

Learn About the Rottweiler Face, Jaws, and Lips

As Whole Dog Journal points out, saliva has a health function for dogs just like it does for people.

In other words, all dogs produce saliva because they need it.

Saliva helps hydrate the tissues of a dog’s mouth. It removes harmful bacteria and helps break down and pre-digest food. Drooling is also an essential part of the canine cooling system.

But then why do many Rottweiler owners report seeing so much more of their Rottie’s saliva than they might for many other dog breeds?

The key is how the Rottweiler’s face, jaws, and lips are shaped. The American Kennel Club (AKC) explains that the Rottweiler is part of a group of dogs with overly large upper lips or flews.

The dogs in this group also tend to have more and looser skin around the muzzle area and the lips, which act as a little cup or shelf to collect and hold drool.

Rather than the drool naturally flowing towards the back of the mouth and down the throat, the flews direct much of the drool down into the skin folds.

When the drool gets into the skin folds, it is trapped. So it remains there until sheer quantity causes it to overflow or your dog decides to shake their head, sending drool flying in every direction.

Why Not All Rottweilers Produce Excessive Drool

Some Rottweiler owners believe male Rottweilers drool more than female Rottweilers. But the key here is not gender but rather the overall size and facial structure.

There is ongoing disagreement in dog breeding about what facial type most closely represents the classic Rottweiler.

Some Rottweiler breeders breed for a broader, larger head shape than others. And with a broader, larger head shape comes a greater tendency for larger flews, more skin folds, and more noticeable drool.

The reason why some people associate female Rottweilers with less drooling is those female Rottweilers can be smaller in adulthood than males. But here, notice that we say “can be” – this is not always the case.

The best way to assess how significant your Rottweiler puppy will grow up to be is to meet or view photos of both parent dogs. This, and not gender alone, should be your barometer for future planning.

When Rottweiler Drooling Is Normal

All dogs, like all people, will drool occasionally. Drooling is more common at mealtimes while having dental work done and during sleep.

Because of their appearance, Rottweilers may drool more than many other dog breeds at these times and at different times.

Rottweiler drooling can be considered typical for these reasons (although if you have any concerns, always talk with your canine veterinarian about them).

  • When your dog is outside on a hot day and starts panting and drooling to cool off.
  • When your dog eats something tasty (or anticipating a tasty treat or meal).
  • When your dog is excited about something or feels fearful or anxious about something.
  • When your dog takes certain medications that may cause drool as a side effect.
  • When your dog has mouthed or ingested something caustic or toxic.
  • When your dog is nauseated (car sickness is a good example here).

While the last three reasons for seeing your Rottweiler drool more than usual are veterinary-related, they are also entirely normal responses you would likely see in any dog breed.

But are there ever times when seeing too much drool is not normal? The answer is yes – read on to learn what to watch for.

When Rottweiler Drooling Is Not Normal

There are times when Rottweiler drooling can cross the line from ordinary to excessive. Knowing which medical or environmental issues may cause your Rottie to start drooling more than usual is essential.

VCA Animal Hospital explains that in the veterinary field, excessive drooling is called hyper-salivation.

Hyper-salivation is likely to occur in the following situations.

Your Rottweiler has dental or oral health problems

Inflamed mouth tissues, gum disease, cavities, cracked teeth, mouth sores, and infections are some of the dental health concerns that may cause your Rottweiler’s mouth to produce more saliva than usual.

Your Rottweiler has an injury to the mouth or jaw.

If your Rottweiler has sustained any facial, mouth, or jaw injury, excessive drooling may result. The drool plays a part in reducing the risk of infection, healing and hydrating the injured area, and easing discomfort.

Your Rottweiler has a growth or sore in the mouth.

Rottweilers with a wart, growth, lump, bump, or sore in their mouths are likely to produce more drool for the same reasons we mentioned in the previous section.

Your Rottweiler has gastrointestinal problems.

Dogs can get acid reflux just like people. Dogs can also get hernias, just like people. Both can allow caustic and acidic gastrointestinal fluids to move back into the throat and mouth, causing excessive drooling.

Your Rottweiler has licked, mouthed, or ingested something toxic

A sudden bout of excessive drooling could signal that your dog has encountered and mouth-explored something toxic, whether it be a backyard toad, a stinging plant, the fertilizer your neighbor just laid down, or something else.

When you suspect drooling due to a toxic or poisonous substance, it is always a matter to the nearest veterinary emergency care center.

How to Deal With Rottweiler Drooling

While Rottweilers are extremely popular dogs, this doesn’t mean you love dealing with all that drool.

Is there a way to control or reduce the drooling your Rottweiler does?

Some tips might help curb some of the drooling, but not all of these options are equally popular and accepted in the Rottweiler community.

The simplest way to control how much drool you come in contact with is to use a drool rag. These are rags you use to catch the drool before it lands on whatever it was about to land on.

If your Rottweiler drools due to carsickness, canine anti-nausea medication may help. Similarly, addressing any underlying health issue may resolve the drooling issue effectively.

There are also surgical options, as VetInfo explains. But this is expensive for you and painful for your dog, so it is not recommended unless there is a medical need.

If you want to add a Rottweiler to your family, it helps to know that this is a drooling breed.